New plans for cycle lanes on R147 Kells Road
New public consultation: ‘Navan Cycle Scheme – R147 Poolboy Bridge to Kells Road Roundabout’
Following on from plans released last month for the R147 Martha’s Bridge to Circular Road Scheme, Meath County Council have published plans for another new Navan Cycle Scheme – R147 Poolboy Bridge to Kells Road Roundabout. The scheme runs from Poolboy Bridge, located at Flower Hill and the junction with Watergate Street, running west to just before the Kells Road Roundabout.
The scheme provides the provision of (mostly) segregated single cycle lanes on both sides of the roads. It intersects with several main junctions, namely the R147/Poolboy Bridge (Flower Hill) junction, the R147/N51 (Fire Station) junction, and the N51/R895 (Balmoral) junction. In addition, it will also provide new and upgraded footpaths, upgraded junctions including controlled crossings points for pedestrians and cyclists, and upgraded bus stops, all in line with DMURS and BusConnects Guidance.
The scheme is planned to link with the ‘Flower Hill Cycle and Pedestrian Scheme’ in the east, and the ‘Local Distributor Road 4 (LDR4) Scheme’ in the west. It will make up 1km of the ‘Na1’ route of the overall Navan Cycle Network.
New photo montages of the scheme (subject to change)
The public consultation will run until Friday 13 January 2023, and submissions or observations with respect to the proposed development can be made through the Council’s website Consult.meath.ie, or emailed to planning@meathcoco.ie on or before 17:00 hours on 13th January 2023.